"Locco by" is a hip hop music group from Ambon, who is now studying in FTI UKSW force Salatiga Indonesia 2011

First song
Petra Spain (Reef)
Ari (rap 2)
Barna (rap)

Temporary logo of Facial Image "LOCCO BY" the person with a black mustache, but in fact if we look carefully there's actually 2 pictures of people who are hugging (baku polo).
purpose of this logo is, I hope this band other than to create asong together, it could also mean familiarity with each other in the team, compact and mutual solidarity,
the future, hopefully we can stick together to make "LOCCO BY" famous in the world.
God bless us
to download the first track "Locco By" .please click HERE
like our page on ReverbNation .please click HERE
like our page on Facebook, please click HERE
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